Monday, February 18, 2008


She forwarded me a note:
"I cried because i had no shoes untill i saw a happy man with no feet" Life is full of God's blessings but sometimes we are just too blind to appreciate them.."

What you think of her little story?

She forwarded another for you.."Consider yourself a caterpillar... the ones who love you are the nourishing leaves...The ones who hurt you are cocoon.. Remember that you won't be a butterfly without nourishment and you wont develop wings without the cocoon, there are no heroes nor villains in life.. Just people with different roles to teach you one great lesson and that's to FLY!

So, let's fly.. for good..

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

When does God love me?

God loves me all the time... when i wake up, clean myself.. for school, work and home safely. When I am happy, i fell God loves me so much... when i am with my friends, classmates, chatting, etc... anything that i do... i felt the love of God and i give thanks for it.. how about you? How do you feel the love of God?...

Isiah 54:10 and 43:4

Happy Love Day...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Setting Limits

Another way of helping children to tell right from wrong is the caption above for behavior at home. Others may call it Ground Rules. To a large extent, ground rules are for the child's own good. However, you need to explain carefully that as often as necessary in order them to realize or learn it. The process starts from very early days... Show love while doin these stuff...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

thought for the day

You didn't choose me, remember; I chose you..(John 15:16)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Month of Hearts

A Friend send me this.." These days, people are more conscious of keeping a healthy heart. Many go on a diet and do regular exercises... This month of Hearts, take a look inside of you.. Are you taking the right food for your soul? Are you losing or gaining spiritual weight? See if you need to get rid of unnecessary exercises.." a little bit equilibrium between the two forces.. physical aspects and spiritual... How about you? What's up?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


is it divine love? as month of heart... you can share your love to anyone in anyform as you wish.. What does it all mean to you? is everywhere.